STEM Is a Hit!


We love STEM, and not just because we’re a company full of engineers and machinists. Our marketing and logistics departments are just as geeky as the tech crew. That’s why we played host to a Family STEM Day that was put on by the local library, here in Waunakee, WI. Everything from community members showing off an FRC competition robot from Badger Bots and retro electronics to building spaghetti-marshmallow towers to creating miniature marble rollercoasters. Sector 67, a local makerspace, even had an array of projects showing off their wares.


With a line winding through the building, Tormach had staff on-hand engraving customized dog tags using a PCNC 440 and PathPilot’s conversational function. After witnessing over 600 parents and kids wander through Family STEM Day, it can easily be said that STEM is a hit, and we couldn’t be more excited to be a part of it.



