5 Things to Be Thankful For ... When It Comes to Machining

This week we celebrate turkey day, or Thanksgiving for those who prefer more classical phrasing. While we all love our families and are thankful for good health and good food, there are some things that machinists seem to be specifically thankful for. I’m sure I missed a few things here, but here’s my shortlist of what machinists tend to be thankful for…


Tormach Fab Lab: Haimer 3D Sensors

After a bit of time off, we're getting back into the swing of things on the blog.  Today's video topic is in response to several recent questions we've fielded recently about a very useful gauge: the Haimer 3D Sensor. For those unfamiliar, Haimer 3D sensors can be used to quickly and accurately find milling work offsets in X, Y and Z.   When properly setup, these will exceed the accuracy of most other edge finding techniques available to the small shop machinist. Here are two things to keep in mind:

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