Amazingly Simple Automatic Part Engraver on a PCNC 440

I love automation – there’s just something about watching a robot making parts you’re going to sell. A machinist friend of mine (Hi Peter T.!) refers to his bank of older CNC lathes as his money printing presses. They sit there with their bar pullers grinding out parts for him to sell all day long and about all he has to do is change bars and inserts from time to time.


The PCNC 440 Tool Changer Has Arrived

We've got a lot of exciting things happening at the #Tormach2016 Open House, happening tomorrow - there's still time to RSVP - but we're really excited to show off some of our latest accessories! We just installed the first PCNC 440 power drawbar and automatic tool changer, and they'll be up and running during the open house.


Finding Your Work: Edge Finder vs. Digitizing Probe vs. Haimer

Using a mill requires a lot of dedication to proper measurement and calculation, and to do so means finding the proper tools. Making sure your machine knows where your work is sitting is a vital to quality parts. There are a number of edge-finding and measurement devices, Here are the three most common ones we hear about from Tormach users.


Robot, Meet Tormach

Earlier this week, we visited a local technical school, Madison College, to see what they were up to with their PCNC 440. As part of the automation integration program, an array of students have had the opportunity to use Fanuc robots for different programming and automation challenges. Students did everything from packaging candy to unpacking a CD. But, we’re biased, and our favorite took blank


What Makes a Surface Grinder So Important?

Surface grinding has an important role in the metalworking shop. Whether you’re looking to keep tight tolerances or improve appearance, a surface grinder is an essential tool for part finishing.

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