Forward-Thinking High School Offers Students Real World Experience and Career Skills Leveraging Tormach CNC Machines

Eric Wheeler teaches at Middleton High School in Middleton, WI, where they have worked to properly introduce their students to CNC machining with an array of Tormach machines. Wheeler has developed curriculum and empowered his students to unleash their creativity and problem-solving skills with manufacturing tools. 


Exploring Hands-On CNC Education at The Lincoln Academy

Educating future generations in the world of manufacturing is essential. As we’ve seen skill gaps widen and supply chains stumble, the ability to make things and a need for those who do the making is more apparent than ever. Educators like Matt Schultz have been working to teach kids the essential technical skills so they can go into the working world or have a better grasp on design/invention needs of the future.


STEM Education in Nigeria Gains a Foothold with an 1100M Mill

Educational spaces are always looking for better (and less expensive) ways to teach and provide access to real tools. That’s why Tormach has always had a foot in the world of teaching CNC, whether we’re talking about folks using our machines to teach machining, like John Saunders, or STEM educators using the machines in a more traditional classroom environment. Providing approachable, capable machines has been the goal of Tormach from the beginning.


Technical Education Made Easier with Real CNC Machines

Hands-on learning is quickly becoming the best-known way for students to fully grasp concepts and curriculum, especially in the world of technical CNC machine education. To this end, classrooms have started to change in accommodation for this type of hands-on teaching. Because 3D printers are becoming more regular in everyday classrooms (not just tech ed rooms), machine tools, like multi-axis CNC mills and lathes, are more commonplace in the shop.


Tormach Tutorials with Titans of CNC

About a year ago, Titan Gilroy, from Titans of CNC, picked up a 770M for their shop. Since then, he’s been busy testing and learning about with the middle range of Tormach’s mills has to offer.

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