An Automatic Bandsaw for Shop Efficiency Means Making More Money

People that know Tormach know us as a CNC machine tool company. Our 1100 mill has been the flagship machine for our company for more than a decade, but we have recently made our way into the world of fabrication with our AF50 Autofeed Bandsaw.


Reducing Lead Time in Event Production with Tormach

When you go to a concert or attend a major event, the fanfare and spectacle of the event are what captures your attention, but there is an array of event production going on in the background to make everything happen.

Steven Anschutz at Entertainment Fabrication uses his PCNC 1100 to excel in the niche industry of event and staging production by creating various specialized parts to make industry-standard components work with each other, as well as not-so-standard components.


Fast Prototypes for Fast Motorcycles

The world of manufacturing and fabrication is incredibly broad and fast-moving. It gets even faster in the world of custom cars and motorcycles. Scott Phillips works full time at a manufacturing facility with industrial CNC machines, but then he comes home and creates an array of custom parts. He's used his PCNC 1100 to make unique parts, brackets, and harnesses for a local motorcycle company, and he's done some improvising along the way with indexing and various forms of prototyping. With the mill in his garage, he can tackle prototyping projects faster than in the larger industrial shop.


The Biggest Misconception About CNC Machining

Whether you’re a CNC veteran or you just discovered this amazing tool, everybody has had to start somewhere. I’ve talked to a number of Tormach customers, and the stories vary widely.


Hitting the Mark in a One-Man Shop

Dave Wentz has always worked with his hands. After working in a canvas shop for 20 years he worked at a metal stamping factory – with a tool and die apprenticeship – and a smaller machine shop, all before going out on his own. “I had designed and developed my own product, and when I had the opportunity to do fabrication on my own, I decided to go for it.”


Going Baja with a PCNC 1100

Matt Pyle runs his small business, Arttech Casting Company, with his PCNC 1100 mill and 15L Slant-PRO lathe, but he’s also the captain of the Buffalo State Mini Baja Team for the SAE International Baja Competitions. According to Pyle, “Having the Tormach machines has caused me to look at things differently. I have some mildly complex parts that if all I had were manual machines (that's all I ever had professional training on), I would say it can't be made. I have used other CNC machine tools, the setup takes half the day alone to cut one part.

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