A new twist on 3D printers from Radiant Fabrication

  We've seen lots of Tormach owners and users launch their ideas through Kickstarter.  In that vein, here's a neat project with a Tormach connection from just a few miles down the road from our offices -  the Radiant Lionhead 3D Printer:


Crowd Sourcing Helps Brad “Kickstarter King” Martin take CNC from Hobby to Viable Business

Working in the state of Iowa on a wind turbine contract, Brad Martin is no stranger to automation and electrical engineering. A self-taught CNC machinist, many people know Martin through the online crowd-fund­ing plat­form Kickstarter. We’re giving him the nickname, “Kickstarter King.” “I got into CNC because I wanted to make my own "parts" for little projects I wanted to do. First, I bought a little lathe and then a little mill, both through the Little Machine Shop. After a while, I decided manual machining wasn't the way to go. I bought a Taig Mill, sourced all my own parts, and built the whole CNC system.”


Crowdsourcing Continues

Following on the heels of last month's crowdsourcing themed blog post, two more PCNC-themed projects have come to our attention. Both using Kickstarter as a launching platform, take a peek at these: spnKiX California-based spnKix:  Motorized battery powered skates.


Crowdsourcing your Product Development with Tormach

Tormach was founded over a decade ago in response to a real need among entrepreneurs, researchers, educators, and hobbyists to enter the world of CNC manufacturing. Evolving to support the needs of a digitally-savvy customer base and doing our part to add to the information, resources, and tools now available at the click of a button, we’re always encouraged to see you succeed.

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