Introducing the Tormach 1100M and 770M

About two months ago, we spent some time at the filming of BattleBots, and our experienced team helped builders get their robots fixed after some brutal fights. While we were there, a few folks noticed that the 1100 on site looked different than a Series 3 PCNC 1100.


Tormach Hits the Bay Area

If you haven’t heard, the Bay Area Maker Faire is this weekend (May 18-20) in San Mateo, California, and we’re going to be there.


Adding a New Element of Automation to Our 15L Slant-PRO Lathe

In the world of CNC, automation is important. Using CNC, we can make all sorts of products, widgets, and parts quickly and consistently, but we can streamline that process even more by adding automation.


SolidWorks CAM Meets Tormach Machines

Over the years, we’ve developed a number of awesome relationships with various vendors, organizations, and YouTubers. Every partnership has helped us further our goal of enabling the ideas of our customers, which is why from February 4 to 7 we’ll be showcasing our products at SolidWorks World in Los Angeles.


The PCNC 440 ATC Is Now Available

The beta testing is over and the automatic tool changer for the PCNC 440 is now for sale!  Now you can take your small mill to the next level with some extra automation.


That’s a Wrap for Tormach Tech Days 2017

After two days of classes, seminars, CNC convos, and making some serious chips, Tormach Tech Days has wrapped up!

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