Section 179 Makes Tormach Machines Even More Affordable

If you run a small business - or want to start running a small business - taxes are always an important challenge to consider. You have to know where you can take tax breaks and where they don’t fit your organization. What many small CNC business owners don’t realize is the value of Section 179, and that Tormach machines, even though they are inexpensive, qualify as capital equipment.


Things to Be Thankful for in the Shop

It’s that time of year where we all take time to reflect on the things we are thankful for, and we start to make plans for the new year ahead. There is certainly an endless list of things for which we could be thankful, but in the shop, there are some very specific things we’re grateful for.


Proper Workholding Adds Efficiency to Your Shop

Many Tormach owners find opportunities to make money with their machines. Whether that’s doing an occasional part for a friend, starting a business with a part they designed, or going full-on machine shop and producing batches of the same part for a client.


Essential Tools When Cutting Steel

Steel is a material that we are all familiar with… and for good reason. It’s versatile, fairly easy to work with, and less expensive than materials of similar hardness. That being said, steel can be scary to cut, especially with a low-horsepower machine, but it doesn’t have to be!


Work Hardening & Strain Hardening - A Machinist’s Guide

What Does Strain Hardening or Work Hardening Mean?

Strain hardening, or work hardening as it is more often called, is the hardening of metal by plastic deformation.  It can be a problem or a benefit in metalworking.  Learn what it is and how to avoid or encourage it in this article.


What is the Difference Between Plasma Cutting, Waterjet, and Laser Cutting?

At first glance, using a plasma cutter, a water jet, or a laser cutter might seem awfully similar. And to a certain degree, they are. All three predominantly use two axes and are often used for large, flat work - signs come to mind more often than anything.

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