Sharks With Cameras

Prototype machinist uses Tormach Personal CNC Mills to help National Geographic researchers study shark behavior. Some of the best innovation is spurred from the simplest ideas.


Tormach PCNC 1100 Mill becomes a Miniature Naval Shipyard Workhorse

Paul Szudzik is a former IBM programmer who builds 1/96 scale model ships, frequents a camera club, and creates art out of metal and wood. To support his varying hobbies, Paul enlists the help of a Tormach PCNC 1100 CNC mill throughout his varying hobbies.


Crowdsourcing Continues

Following on the heels of last month's crowdsourcing themed blog post, two more PCNC-themed projects have come to our attention. Both using Kickstarter as a launching platform, take a peek at these: spnKiX California-based spnKix:  Motorized battery powered skates.

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